

Traverse City is a special timeless place for the people of the Mid-Western United States.  This area was known as  “la grande traverse” by French explorers or, "the long crossing” in English. It is a meeting place for many with its captivating views of Lake Michigan and endless cherry groves to explore.

I wanted to capture the spirit of this summer getaway destination and thus Traverse City Cherry Festival Tea was born. This tea is an herbal caffeine-free blend including cherries from Traverse City! The tea is best served iced and produces a beautiful red liquor with hints of cherry and rose. 

---This tea is best served iced---

Type: Herbal

Flavor: Tastes like Michigan in a cup. Best served iced!

Grade: Blend

Caffeine: Zero

Infusion #: 2

Brew Temp: 210°F

Brew Time: 4-5 min

Measure: 1.5 tsp per cup

Ingredients: Fair Trade Hibiscus, Michigan Cherries, Rose, Cinnamon, Sun Flower Oil



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