Eli Tea Bar is our flagship tea store located in Birmingham, MI. We carry an expanded collection of products including over 70 types of loose leaf tea and herbal tea blends.
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
12 noon - 8:00pm
248 825 8064
108 S Old Woodward Ave, Birmingham MI 48009
5507 N Clark St Chicago IL 60640

We source our tea from around the world but also carry many domestic sourced teas. Like our Hawaiian Island Green Tea and herbal teas like Oregon Mint and Traverse City Cherry Festival. Our tea's are exclusively all natural, we never use artificial flavorings, syrups, or perfume our teas. To insure quality from tea gardens over seas we look for country of origin certifications like Japan Organic and Indian Tea Board Certified, these institutions go beyond USDA organic with laboratory testing for chemical and pesticide residues. We are also interested for workers rights and look for certifications like Fair Trade and Ethical Tea Partnership.
How to Order: With over 70 teas and various preparations, ordering tea can be confusing. So, we invented a unique menu by rarity and size of cup. On each tea menu board the teas have been categorized into three rarities: everyday, premium, and rare. These correspond to the prices listed on this grid. We can also brew a light or strong cup of tea per your request. Please alert us if you have any allergens.
We carry a variety of casual food options at Eli Tea Bar that we make our selves or source from local bakers. More food options are available than listed below in store.
Tea Wall: We also sell tea in bulk by the weight. The altitude, caffeine content, tasting notes, and price are listed on the front of each tin. Prices are listed in store.